Sunday, September 20, 2009


Good grief, I haven't written in a long time. To be honest, the summer came and went with not much fun or excitement. I had big plans of fun outings to take my kids on but nothing much came of them. Guess having a kid that doesn't feel great can do that if you aren't careful. I wasn't careful that way this summer. Not one trip to the beach, not one fun family getaway. We did make it to see the specialist in Atlanta. That was a blessing in itself, but not fun.

The doctor in Atlanta suggested that we get her dosage of Prednisone down and that would help her cope with the pain as well as reduce her risk of harmful side effects. We were able to get her from 15 mg. per day to 8 mg. per day before things started to get bad again. The doctor thought that reducing that drug would also tell us whether she does indeed have the Relapsing Polychondritis or not. Unfortunately, as of this week, she's back on the high dosage of Prednisone and that diagnosis has been confirmed. Her nose is inflamed again, her joints are achy, she has a headache. Her stomach is bothering her from all the meds. She isn't sleeping. I hate this.

Probably for reasons of a hormonal nature, I've not coped with this news well. Not at all. My faith is still strong, but I'm not being comforted right now. Maybe because I'm not in a place to be comforted. My child is hurting and I'm just sad. That's okay for now but I can't stay here long. I know His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I know He's here and cares for us. I know it all but am just in a bit of a low spot. Sometimes the sadness of it all is just overwhelming. It doesn't happen often but when it does...

Good thing it's still hot here. We need to go to the beach.